Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution 2010

I just posted cast pictures of the show that I am directing, and of course there is a picture of the cast and crew, which includes me. It is one thing to see yourself in the mirror, because you get used to your face, and don't notice just how ROUND it is getting, when it used to be a nice oval.

So here's the problem, I eat fast food way, way too much, and I don't exercise at all.

I have a two-part resolution. Cook more, and exercise more. If I have food that is made at home, I am less likely to go to a drive through. Hopefully. The exercise part is about the metabolism. I used to have a super fast metabolism, and I still eat like I did then, but my metabolism has slowed down a LOT so I don't look like I did then anymore.

A big reason why people are so successful on Weight Watchers is that they keep track of what they do and eat. That's now my focus.

January 3, 2011
Speed Walk... the timer got all screwed up, so I don't know how long.
Distance: 2 miles

1/2 power bar
2 scrambled eggs w/cheese and tomato
2 slices of bacon
1 slice of sourdough bread

Marie Calendar's Chicken Pot Pie


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