Sunday, July 1, 2012

In the Meantime... IKEA HACKS!

I'd seen a variation of this done on the all-time best website EVER: IKEA Hackers (this is the post that I modified: Borrby Lantern)

To start, take the Borrby Lantern... which is a candle holder with a door and four glass walls.

Then add the Lagra Work lamp. For me the total cost was $10

Then you'll need some "Frost" spray paint. Any hobby store should have it, my cost was about $10.

STEP 1: Take the glass out of the Borrby and then drill a hole in the top. You'll need 1/2" drill bit.

STEP 2: Take the lamp part of the Lagra and hang it up in the center.

STEP 3: Spray the frosting on the glass, following the manufacturers instructions, and voila!

Floor Complete, on to the WALLS!

The Floor is Finally Finished... took forever. The next step is putting up the walls. Since the posts are so far out of true, we need to build six walls instead of four. One on each side of the posts on the left and the right. We're starting with the outside of the right wall.

First we laid out a base 2" x 4" 

Next we built up the walls. I didn't get any pictures of how we did this... I'll show those next time. This is where we stopped when we ran out of light.

Yes, that is a window! Awesome, right?