Friday, September 14, 2007

So Gidget...

Gidget is the only nickname (other than the requisite name alterations) that I've ever earned. It was first stuck to me in the fourth grade, while sleeping over at a friend's house--isn't it sad that I don't remember her name... we were really good friends, too. Her older brother was watching one of the old (even a-way back in the 80's they were old) Sandra Dee "Gidget" movies.

He decided that I reminded him of Gidget (a smart ass little blonde who thought she was all that and a bag of chips, but very naive about it, and accident prone), and started right off calling me after the character. A year later he started coaching our soccer team and the name stuck good and firm. I didn't grow up with me, though, nor did it ever leave the soccer team.

I miss it a bit, even if I no longer resemble the original (still a smart ass, and maybe a little naive and accident prone, but no longer blonde or little). Besides Gidget is a ridiculous name for someone in her late (I have to say it) thirties.

I played left wing. I was known for getting the ball down the field, and no one could get the ball away from me. The thing was, I never tried for a goal. I'd always, always pass it to someone else.

Gidget never scores.

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