The American Heritage Dictionary (at
1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter
3. feminine character
Why is there such anger over this issue? Seems to me that these are all good things.
Here I out myself as a conservative. Even worse, a conservative who listens to conservative talk radio. To top it all off I am a conservative Christian as well. Now, just so I can put myself clearly in the wrong in every camp, I don't particularly have a problem with gay marriage, just with gay pastors (not gay preachers--look up the difference
I don't believe in sex before marriage.
I believe that abortion is murder.
I believe that Jesus died for our sins and any who accept him will go to heaven.
I don't believe that non-believers will somehow make it into heaven.
I believe that men should be the leader in a relationship.
I believe that a person leads by serving.
But, I digress.
When did feminism become about castrating men? Oh, one more, I believe that if I, as a woman, work the same job as a man, I should get the same pay. That's just a no brainer.
Rush calls them femi-nazis and the men who support them the new castrati. I think he has a point. It has gotten out of fashion for a man to literally sweep a woman off of her feet and carry her to the bedroom, now they walk hand in hand. Ugh. Admit it, you felt just as giddy as Scarlett when Rhett carried her up the stairs and ravished her.
Does feminism really mean empowerment for women at the expensive of masculinity?
At the core, we are all sexual beings, and if you deny a man a chance to be manly, what's the point?
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