Today I am wondering just what sexual harassment is, and why it is worth 19.1 million dollars to a fired basketball coach. It is my understanding that for sexual harassment to be taking place, the victim has their own responsibilities in reporting it and reacting to it. Guess not when you are a high-profile employee of the CSU system, huh?
Don't get me wrong. I don't disagree with the judgment. Especially since a judge is guaranteed to lower the award (19.1 is way more than the 5 she was suing for). Did she deserve to get fired? Maybe. But I don't think anyone deserves to get fired the way she did. Especially with no recorded violations, no bad marks against a 3.0 gpa team... The only thing they really had to say about her was that she took pain pills, was super-strict, and was behaving erratically just before the end. Whereas the male coach that was fired 'bout the same time? Because of NCAA violations and suspicions of obstructing justice in the murder case of one of his players (he apparently helped the kid skip town and avoid the po.) he was fired. With a severance package and a re-hire to help with the "transition." Our lady coach? No violations. No $$ to go bye-bye.
Oh yeah, at the end, the erratic behavior? She was pregnant. Their proof that she was addicted? One of her players woke her up while they were on the road. She asked what day it was, if she'd missed the game. This is proof that she was a drug user???? How about proof that she's a heavy sleeper that doesn't wake up well? It's no wonder that she won if this is the evidence they have.
I don't like cases where it is so grey. I want a good-guy, and a bad-guy, with clear, color-coded delineations between the two. Life, unfortunately isn't like that. It is sticky, icky, annoyingly so. She maybe (probably) was in the wrong, but the university has just lost it's third sexual harassment case. Something is not right in the state of... Denmark.
And I've been sitting in Starbucks too long today. My crack is cold. Ummmm. That didn't come out right. I consider the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha the new crack cocaine. Had it for the first time yesterday. Wowza.
Oh yeah, and teenagers? Their thighs should be bigger than my forearm when they are the same height as me. Who put it into the little chickies heads that looking like a cadaver was attractive? I want to know. Eat, for fuck's sake! And don't puke it up!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Why women are the weaker sex
I have a new theory. Remind me to share, at a later date, my other theories (the most notable a way to end insanity). The one I feel compelled to share now as I sit awake, typing on my computer (not in the Garamond font, I must add), listening to my father snore. I am staying at my father's house for the night and not sleeping because, well, he's snoring.
So here's my theory: women have historically been the weaker sex, especially once married, because they are sleep deprived. Forced throughout the centuries to listen to men snoring.
Even sitting here wide awake, with my headphones on fairly loud, the noise is obnoxious. And I can't wake him up because then he'll not get enough sleep and I have to spend the entire day with him tomorrow... me being cranky is bad, both of us being cranky would be horrid. We have a family thing, a delayed Thanksgiving dinner, people are used to him being an ass, but when we feed off of each other in our moods. Watch out.
I'd say that I wished I were more like my mom in this regard, but I think my mom's bad moods were worse. But that could be a teenager's reaction talking. Then again... she threw things. Granted it was dishes, and into the sink. The cracking and shattering, when seen from her perspective, was probably pretty satisfying. To me it was terrifying. But then again, I was the one who provoked her into that state. I wasn't the nicest of people to her. Too much like my dad in that regard.
Genetics are a bitch.
On a totally unrelated subject, I've got the TNT show, Saving Grace, on in the background. This show is amazing. About the only God-related show on TV that actually mentions God. What I find fascinating is that every family member on Seventh Heaven would be horrified with this show: the language, the sexuality, the subject matter, etc. And yet, they never, never, never mentioned God. Except when one of the characters interacted with someone Jewish--I think. And they certainly never talked about Jesus. Ummmm, I think I just gave myself away that I actually watched that show. My only excuse is that it was on for ELEVEN FREAKING YEARS. What is with the WB? Or whatever the hell it is called now. That show was schlock. Anyway. I love that Grace has a mouth like a sailor, is knowingly sleeping with a married man, and any other man that "gives [her] a ride home." And she's got a guardian angel and a priest for a brother and a devout Catholic friend who are all trying to save her soul. She has regular conversations with an angel and repeatedly says that she doesn't believe in God. Also? Holly Hunter is a brilliant actress.
Then there's The Closer. TNT rocks in the roles that they have given women "of a certain age."
So here's my theory: women have historically been the weaker sex, especially once married, because they are sleep deprived. Forced throughout the centuries to listen to men snoring.
Even sitting here wide awake, with my headphones on fairly loud, the noise is obnoxious. And I can't wake him up because then he'll not get enough sleep and I have to spend the entire day with him tomorrow... me being cranky is bad, both of us being cranky would be horrid. We have a family thing, a delayed Thanksgiving dinner, people are used to him being an ass, but when we feed off of each other in our moods. Watch out.
I'd say that I wished I were more like my mom in this regard, but I think my mom's bad moods were worse. But that could be a teenager's reaction talking. Then again... she threw things. Granted it was dishes, and into the sink. The cracking and shattering, when seen from her perspective, was probably pretty satisfying. To me it was terrifying. But then again, I was the one who provoked her into that state. I wasn't the nicest of people to her. Too much like my dad in that regard.
Genetics are a bitch.
On a totally unrelated subject, I've got the TNT show, Saving Grace, on in the background. This show is amazing. About the only God-related show on TV that actually mentions God. What I find fascinating is that every family member on Seventh Heaven would be horrified with this show: the language, the sexuality, the subject matter, etc. And yet, they never, never, never mentioned God. Except when one of the characters interacted with someone Jewish--I think. And they certainly never talked about Jesus. Ummmm, I think I just gave myself away that I actually watched that show. My only excuse is that it was on for ELEVEN FREAKING YEARS. What is with the WB? Or whatever the hell it is called now. That show was schlock. Anyway. I love that Grace has a mouth like a sailor, is knowingly sleeping with a married man, and any other man that "gives [her] a ride home." And she's got a guardian angel and a priest for a brother and a devout Catholic friend who are all trying to save her soul. She has regular conversations with an angel and repeatedly says that she doesn't believe in God. Also? Holly Hunter is a brilliant actress.
Then there's The Closer. TNT rocks in the roles that they have given women "of a certain age."
Friday, September 28, 2007
Can I be clever and witty, too??
Before I say anything else, I would like to point out that blogger sucks because they don't offer Garamond as a font choice. I don't know why I am obsessed with this font, but I am.
So, I want to be clever. I go to sites like TWOP and if you don't know what that stands for, then never mind. I look at other blogs. And, dammit. People are freakin' clever. Even if their sentence structure. Sucks. They're cool. They make up names for people. They mock everything and find the geekiest things super cool. They don't over use the word "cool."
They don't start new paragraphs with "So" or "Anyway" and they don't over use the ellipsis...
I will be clever.
I will be witty.
I have boring friends.
No. I am boring.
But I'm supposed to be good with the writing skills. I will make up clever stories. I will have witty names for my friends. I will immerse myself in geek-pop culture!
Dammit, I'm good enough.
So, I want to be clever. I go to sites like TWOP and if you don't know what that stands for, then never mind. I look at other blogs. And, dammit. People are freakin' clever. Even if their sentence structure. Sucks. They're cool. They make up names for people. They mock everything and find the geekiest things super cool. They don't over use the word "cool."
They don't start new paragraphs with "So" or "Anyway" and they don't over use the ellipsis...
I will be clever.
I will be witty.
I have boring friends.
No. I am boring.
But I'm supposed to be good with the writing skills. I will make up clever stories. I will have witty names for my friends. I will immerse myself in geek-pop culture!
Dammit, I'm good enough.
Monday, September 17, 2007
What does Feminism Really Mean?
The American Heritage Dictionary (at
1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter
) an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
3. feminine character
Why is there such anger over this issue? Seems to me that these are all good things.
Here I out myself as a conservative. Even worse, a conservative who listens to conservative talk radio. To top it all off I am a conservative Christian as well. Now, just so I can put myself clearly in the wrong in every camp, I don't particularly have a problem with gay marriage, just with gay pastors (not gay preachers--look up the difference
I don't believe in sex before marriage.
I believe that abortion is murder.
I believe that Jesus died for our sins and any who accept him will go to heaven.
I don't believe that non-believers will somehow make it into heaven.
I believe that men should be the leader in a relationship.
I believe that a person leads by serving.
But, I digress.
When did feminism become about castrating men? Oh, one more, I believe that if I, as a woman, work the same job as a man, I should get the same pay. That's just a no brainer.
Rush calls them femi-nazis and the men who support them the new castrati. I think he has a point. It has gotten out of fashion for a man to literally sweep a woman off of her feet and carry her to the bedroom, now they walk hand in hand. Ugh. Admit it, you felt just as giddy as Scarlett when Rhett carried her up the stairs and ravished her.
Does feminism really mean empowerment for women at the expensive of masculinity?
At the core, we are all sexual beings, and if you deny a man a chance to be manly, what's the point?
The American Heritage Dictionary (at
1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter
3. feminine character
Why is there such anger over this issue? Seems to me that these are all good things.
Here I out myself as a conservative. Even worse, a conservative who listens to conservative talk radio. To top it all off I am a conservative Christian as well. Now, just so I can put myself clearly in the wrong in every camp, I don't particularly have a problem with gay marriage, just with gay pastors (not gay preachers--look up the difference
I don't believe in sex before marriage.
I believe that abortion is murder.
I believe that Jesus died for our sins and any who accept him will go to heaven.
I don't believe that non-believers will somehow make it into heaven.
I believe that men should be the leader in a relationship.
I believe that a person leads by serving.
But, I digress.
When did feminism become about castrating men? Oh, one more, I believe that if I, as a woman, work the same job as a man, I should get the same pay. That's just a no brainer.
Rush calls them femi-nazis and the men who support them the new castrati. I think he has a point. It has gotten out of fashion for a man to literally sweep a woman off of her feet and carry her to the bedroom, now they walk hand in hand. Ugh. Admit it, you felt just as giddy as Scarlett when Rhett carried her up the stairs and ravished her.
Does feminism really mean empowerment for women at the expensive of masculinity?
At the core, we are all sexual beings, and if you deny a man a chance to be manly, what's the point?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Headaches give me a headache

I have a headache.
At the moment I am very creatively charged, I'm writing and the ideas are flowing. But all I want to do is crawl into a fetal position in the dark with an icepack on my head, some serious drugs and absolute silence.
This headache is pissing me off. It's giving me a headache just talking about it.
Friday, September 14, 2007
So Gidget...

Gidget is the only nickname (other than the requisite name alterations) that I've ever earned. It was first stuck to me in the fourth grade, while sleeping over at a friend's house--isn't it sad that I don't remember her name... we were really good friends, too. Her older brother was watching one of the old (even a-way back in the 80's they were old) Sandra Dee "Gidget" movies.
He decided that I reminded him of Gidget (a smart ass little blonde who thought she was all that and a bag of chips, but very naive about it, and accident prone), and started right off calling me after the character. A year later he started coaching our soccer team and the name stuck good and firm. I didn't grow up with me, though, nor did it ever leave the soccer team.
I miss it a bit, even if I no longer resemble the original (still a smart ass, and maybe a little naive and accident prone, but no longer blonde or little). Besides Gidget is a ridiculous name for someone in her late (I have to say it) thirties.
I played left wing. I was known for getting the ball down the field, and no one could get the ball away from me. The thing was, I never tried for a goal. I'd always, always pass it to someone else.
Gidget never scores.
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